

Our wonderful Region provides us with the opportunity of competing in VLQs at Fall Music School.  As luck would have it, all members of Sound Jam (combined Sound Decision and PBnJ quartets, from Canadian Showtime Chorus) registered for Music School and decided to ‘compete’.  Ahem!  Then – the fun began. 

By Jeanne Wegner  

My experience with the Canadian Showtime Chorus began last September, when a little bird in our campground came to me and said, “Jeanne, I know that you love singing, especially singing in different harmonies. “Shirley”, you would be interested in participating in our 6 week membership drive in January, for our ladies’ barbershop, a cappella chorus.” Well, this announcement definitely peaked my interest. I thought to myself, “Hmm, I’ll have to look into this…” 


"Wendy is first on the left in the first row behind the orchestra."

… Overwhelmed to Overjoyed (Freude! as He himself would say).

While classical music isn’t really my style, when an opportunity to sing with the Ottawa Choral Society for the National Arts Centre Orchestra’s presentation of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony arises, who passes that up? 

In merely 16 days, with just 9 rehearsals, 118 singers accomplished what initially seemed impossible, learning the notes and words to what we commonly know as “Ode to Joy”, but in German.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  No, not Christmas but our Sweet Adeline of the Year celebrations!

This honour is awarded annually to a member who has contributed greatly to the general well-being of Canadian Showtime Chorus. She is dedicated and conscientious and shows friendship towards the chorus and individuals.

Meet Kelly Edwards, our newly minted SAOTY.  Kelly was recognized at rehearsal on June 18th.  Let her reign begin.

Here are some of the great comments from her nominators.


What could be more exciting than preparing for a show? Nothing! Canadian Showtime Chorus is in the planning stages of our first show since 2018 and we have titled it “A Musical Mosaic, Celebrating 40 years of Harmony”.

We have a name. We have a date, November 16, 2024. We have a venue. We also have an evolving plan of how to best celebrate and represent our 40th Anniversary with Sweet Adelines. Songs have been chosen, with a shout out to nostalgia as well some new music as well. What a pot pourri.

Canadian Showtime Chorus is very excited to welcome to the risers 7 new members! They started with us in January and have now passed their auditions. Our sound is really benefiting from the addition of their lovely voices. 

Welcome to: Susan Marshall, Genevieve Robert, Debra Scarpelli, Elena Burbyga, Samantha Harrison-Coe, Audrey Lemieux and Jeanne Wegner. 

What a birthday it was! 99 years and counting. 

In February, a small version of Canadian Showtime Chorus had the honour of singing for a former member who sang with us well into her 80’s and who was about to celebrate her 99th birthday . You can’t hold a dedicated singer down. She now calls a long term care facility home so our Sunday afternoon performance was enjoyed by other residents too. 

For me, this has been a lifetime in the making, although I didn’t know anything at all about Sweet Adelines until I joined this chorus back in 2001, on the coattails of CSC’s first big Wild Card win. 

I first had a taste of arranging music for my grade 13 instrumental music class when I wrote something for several brass & wind instruments an assignment. It was all hand-written in my musical chicken-scratch; Who knows now if it would’ve even been playable? I came across it once a while ago, but fortunately I can’t find it now.
