Canadian Showtime Chorus Invited to Carnegie Hall
May 19, 2011 Ottawa, Ontario.
Next week, 65 members of Canadian Showtime Chorus will travel to New York City to sing at a special concert at Carnegie Hall on May 27, 2011. The Chorus will be featured on the evening's program with a set that takes a musical journey through the year.
This performance will be an extraordinary opportunity for the Chorus to sing on one of the most famous stages in the world and to enjoy some free time to explore one of the greatest cities in the world. The performance will include a tribute to the major celebrations of the year starting with New Years, through Valentines Day, St Patrick's Day (a memorable time of the year for New Yorkers), summer, Halloween and finally Christmas.
Canadian Showtime Chorus shares the program with two other Sweet Adelines choruses and a high school chorus. The Concert will conclude with a massed chorus performing 'New York, New York!'
Lead by Master Director Sandra Nason, Canadian Showtime Chorus' is a competitive singing group for women, specializing in a capella four-part harmony. A charter member of Sweet Adelines International (SAI), this 92 member chorus ranks in the top 20 of more than 600 choruses worldwide.
Our members are professionally trained in singing technique, choreography, costuming and the art of staging a performance. Master Director Sandra Nason designs each weekly rehearsal to both teach and inspire individuals to higher levels of personal excellence in singing. Rehearsals are augmented by periodic sessions with internationally recognized coaches. This combination of training and coaching helps the Chorus achieve progressively higher skills with each competition and public performance.
Media Contact
Nancy Lambrechts
Public Relations Coordinator