Canadian Showtime Chorus Headed to International Competition in Hawaii May 2, 2012 Ottawa, Ontario.
Ottawa's Canadian Showtime Chorus is the 2012 Sweet Adelines Region 16 Champion, following competition on April 28th in Syracuse, New York. This qualifies the Chorus to compete at the International Competition level in Hawaii in 2013!
Regional competitions are held annually throughout North America and abroad, bringing together Choruses of all sizes for evaluation by a panel of Judges. Marks are given in 4 categories: Sound, Music, Expression and Showmanship. Each Chorus performs a ballad and an Up Tune, the latter accompanied by a choreographed routine to suit the song.
It was a happy, energetic and excited group of women that gathered for the traditional dinner and Afterglow party after the competition. Canadian Showtime Chorus members love to sing together in contests and performances, support each other as family and contribute to charitable causes. Now the Chorus members have their sights set on Hawaii and are looking forward to the creativity and practice involved in the preparations.
Lead by Master Director Sandra Nason, Canadian Showtime Chorus is a competitive singing group for women, specializing in a cappella four-part harmony. A charter member of Sweet Adelines International (SAI), this 95 member chorus ranks in the top 20 of more than 600 choruses worldwide. Members are professionally trained in singing technique, choreography, costuming and the art of staging a performance. Master Director Sandra Nason designs each weekly rehearsal to both teach and inspire individuals to higher levels of personal excellence in singing. Rehearsals are augmented by periodic sessions with internationally recognized coaches. This combination of training and coaching helps the Chorus achieve progressively higher skills with each competition and public performance.
Media Contact
Nancy Lambrechts
Public Relations Coordinator
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