Hire Us!
If you've got a big event coming up and you'd like to dazzle your guests with some world-class Canadian performing excellence, why not hire Canadian Showtime Chorus? We have lots of experience performing on a big stage – at international competitions, on Capital Hill for Canada Day, at the RCMP Musical Ride, and dozens of other venues in and around Ottawa.
Frequently Asked Questions
From time to time we stage a show - this is where you can really see the variety of music that we perform. We have performed on Dutch National day for the Dutch Embassy in Ottawa - for this function we learned and sang the Dutch National Anthem in Dutch. We've also performed at special community events including Christmas on Parliament Hill, Tree Lighting at Lansdowne Park, the RCMP Musical Ride and anthem singing at sports events. We have competed in Syracuse, Las Vegas, Indianapolis, Nashville, Honolulu and New Orleans. The Chorus also presents Community Performance in smaller venues in and around the Ottawa area.
What styles of music do you perform?
We perform a capella harmony in a variety of music styles - contemporary, gospel, Celtic, country, jazz and Broadway as well as traditional barbershop. We also offer special renditions of our Canadian anthem. Many of our songs are choreographed and are complemented by exciting stage costumes and dialogue.
Do you ever perform in smaller groups?
Ideally our chorus performs best with all 65 of our singers, but there are times when a smaller group is requested. We have quartets, octets and VLQs (8+ singers) available to meet your every singing need! Contact us today.
What type of venue do you require?
Ideally, we would like a stage area large enough (approximately 45ft x 30ft) with sufficient ceiling height for a 4 level set of risers (steps) on which 65 singers can perform. A private area for singers to warm up and leave their personal belongings is always welcome. A sound system in larger venues is recommended - we would like your audience to get the full impact of 65 voices singing as one in harmony.
Where can I preview your performance?
Rehearsals are Tuesdays at 7:00 pm at the Nepean Creative Arts Centre, 35 Stafford Road, Ottawa. Please contact our Public Relations Coordinator at to arrange a visit to preview our performance.
How far ahead do we need to book you?
Because we are a competing chorus with many performances scheduled in any given year, and because of the complications to ensure 65 singers are available on any given date, sooner is always better. Ideally, we would like at least six months but will give consideration to all bookings.
How much do you charge?
It really depends on the nature and duration of the engagement. A longer performance or one located out of town may cost more.
Who do we contact to hire you?
Contact our Public Relations Coordinator to discuss a booking [email protected]