
Mary Leat's blog

Canadian Showtime Chorus #flattenthecurve!!

The week of March 8, 2020 will go down in history! It is the week that Sweet Adelines International, in light of COVID-19, made the bold and courageous decision to cancel all regional competitions around the globe. A decision taken after hours of deliberation – one taken for the good of the whole – the health and safety of our membership. We appreciate their efforts and thank them for exercising their duty of care.

It’s Showtime …. Canadian Showtime Style!!

The Big Easy stole the hearts of our members this week! Fitbits clocked many a kilometer as our singers explored and discovered the charm, laissez faire attitude of the locals and the absolutely delicious cuisine and music they create! Not to mention, the beignets!!!!! It’s been hot and humid but that didn’t stop us from adventuring!

Like many choruses all over the world, last night was CSC’s last home rehearsal before traveling to New Orleans next week to represent Lake Ontario Region 16 on the Sweet Adelines International stage! Sadly, we were down a few singers due to throat/laryngitis type bugs but better this week than next, right! And better to keep those germs in quarantine! Love yas and all but ….

Friday, September 6, 2019 started as any other Friday for mighty awesome chorus director Joe Connelly and the women of Canadian Showtime Chorus (CSC)! Some got up and got ready to go to work; others got ready to take on the challenges of the day; most likely started it all with a cup of coffee or tea! All however shared the same excitement – this was to be a coaching weekend with the fabulous, the one and only, Erin Howden!

It’s all about Team play! It’s all about growth, development and fine tuning of the skills we’ve acquired over the years under the expert direction of our former master director 700! It’s about adopting the A level singer’s mentality and pushing the envelope to achieve our goals. It’s about re-energizing and adopting new rehearsal practices that encourages – and yes, demands - personal accountability and commitment. It’s all about Team play!!

Our last blog reported on our final success at Regional Contest with our master director 700 and talked about a transition team that would guide us through the winding waterways to port where we would meet up with our new captain, Joe Connelly! This deck scrubber is excited to report that although we may have set sail with some trepidation, some self-doubt and perhaps a wee bit of fear of the unknown, the journey was clear sailing and all survived! In fact, we picked up a few new singers along the way – some who had drifted away from us for a while; and some singers who are brand new to us but not to barbershop and Sweet Adelines! Loads of room on our singing barge, so they climbed aboard!
