A Year in Review! (28-Dec-2022)
The pandemic was still causing havoc at the start of 2022 and preventing us from gathering so we started the year off on Zoom. TNL (Tuesday Night Live) rehearsals continued until March 1 and we even celebrated our Charter Anniversary with members, alumni and special guests on Zoom. It was a terrific trip down memory lane!
The last rehearsal in February saw a return to in person, masked rehearsals in our temporary home at Jim Durrell Arena. In March we coached with Erin and again in April but this time ON RISERS! Karen Briedert was in the house in late April too! Talk about making up for lost time!
Much of our focus leading up to the Region 16 video contest in May was spent on our contest songs, finding a suitable venue for recording, and gathering! With so many new members, we attempted to simulate a regular contest day so that they could experience that wonderful and unforgettable first timer experience! We were delighted to be named regional champions and we look forward to representing our wonderful region in Louisville Kentucky in 2023.
In July we had the opportunity to collaborate with Kongero, an aca-folk quartet from Sweden. The event included a barbershop workshop delivered by Joe, a Swedish folk song workshop with Kongero and a joint concert in the evening to round off the event. As only 24-singers could fit on the stage, we formed octets and engaged in a friendly inhouse competition to earn a place in the ensemble. Along with an opportunity to learn and up our individual skills, it was a fun teambuilding experience.
After a generous summer break, we came together early September at beautiful Britannia Beach for a BBQ, a wee bit of singing and a whole lot of fun. A strategic planning session with Karen Briedert had to be deferred and will be rescheduled.
In October we returned to our former, long-standing home at the Nepean Creative Arts Center AND OUR RISERS!! We’ve had a couple of very successful money-making campaigns and an extremely successful new member program. We stand to gain 9 new members! We again coached with Erin in November and she helped us fill holes in the front row!
We had several fun singouts at the Ottawa Christmas Market and closed off 2022 with an awesome fun holiday party on December 13th. Give the members a “decorate your own table” challenge and stand back! Creativity and teamwork ruled supreme!
We came into 2022 with the intention to make it count! 2023 will be nothing short of spectacular!!
Harmony and Joy to all!
JD Crowe