Forward with Harmony (25-Sep-2023)
Every good tale begins with “Once upon a time”...
...there was a musical muse named Harmony who was created to inspire Canadian Showtime Chorus and to embody excellence on its musical journey.
Harmony is the creation of Lisa Silliker, a very talented graphic designer and a Bass in our chorus and the hive mind of the Management Team. Her dark hair is a shoutout to Lisa. Her gray streak is a shout out to the mature ladies in the chorus. Her dress is inspired by our beloved Red and White pantsuit costume. You can see her sparkly chorus shoes and treble clef earrings. Hidden in the portrait are Lisa’s initials. Bet you can’t find them.
Each week, we record in photos and words our musical journey to Louisville and beyond. The story for the week is posted in episodes to Facebook and Instagram. Members are asked to contribute their takeaways for each rehearsal and these quotes are incorporated into the story. I like to add an inspirational slide too.
We began our story on August 1, 2023, with a coaching session with Erin Howden, both Front Row only and then whole chorus. It is always a challenge and a joy to have Erin here with us. We have just done a retreat weekend with her to the theme Take Me Out to the Ballgame in Louisville. We knocked it out of the park!
To see what is going on with Canadian Showtime Chorus, please follow our story here https://www.facebook.com/CanadianShowtimeChorus or here https://www.instagram.com/canadianshowtimechorus/