Our Sweet Adeline of the Year!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! No, not Christmas but our Sweet Adeline of the Year celebrations!
This honour is awarded annually to a member who has contributed greatly to the general well-being of Canadian Showtime Chorus. She is dedicated and conscientious and shows friendship towards the chorus and individuals.
Meet Kelly Edwards, our newly minted SAOTY. Kelly was recognized at rehearsal on June 18th. Let her reign begin.
Here are some of the great comments from her nominators.
- Kelly is truly the model of a Sweet Adeline. She is open and accepting of all members and is always kind and considerate and highly sensitive to us as individuals, never judgmental or exclusive.
- Kelly is a colourful, genuine and excellent Ambassador of our Chorus whether being out front for physical warm ups, or meeting with clients while sussing out venues for our Chorus to perform in. She projects a fun, positive attitude which can only lift the mood of the Chorus.
- Kelly has always been a confident person who radiates positivity when involved in any chorus activity – singing, dancing, leading sessions on Zoom, or just interacting with fellow chorus members. With her can-do, cheerful and confident attitude, she contributes to the Canadian Showtime Chorus to the degree that should be recognized.
We truly appreciate you Kelly!