Building Blocks!
Friday, October 09, 2015
Canadian Showtime rose at the crack of dawn yesterday – semi finals contest day – to get ready for the international stage! We looked hot in our red dresses adorned with beautiful flames pointing to beautiful, engaged faces!
“We are ready for our next contestant. Representing Lake Ontario Region 16, under the direction of Sandie Nason, the Canadian Showtime Chorus.” Applause applause applause – Canadian flags flapping in various corners of the audience. Our supporters were there – they were loud – they were great!!
This 18-month journey came to a head at 10:59 am yesterday. We worked hard and smart all week and we felt ready for the stage. There was something about the stage though that prevented us from putting our best foot forward. We got the audience a few times – we could feel that - and we got the laughs at the right places during the uptune but it wasn’t quite enough to get us to the coveted top 10 rank! There are many fine choruses in this world and we can be proud to have walked across that stage in good company yesterday! Congratulations to all who will take the stage in the finals on Saturday. We know that our very own North Metro sisters will make us proud! We’ll be cheering them on!
It’s a learning experience! From the judges’ comments and positive critiquing we can build a plan for moving forward. It’s okay – we done good!! 18th in the world is not so bad at all!
It’s okay to be disappointed! Let’s enjoy the next couple of days; sit back and watch – learn and grow from the experience. It is not the end of the road – a slight turn in the road perhaps but it will definitely take us to the pot at the end of rainbow – someday soon!! Building blocks!!! That’s what it’s all about!
I am JD Crowe and I am Sweet Adelines! I love my Canadian Showtime Chorus and I am who I am today because of its wonderful women!!
JD Crowe