Breaking News! CSC Heads South - to Syracuse!
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
As the geese return to the Nation’s Capital, Canadian Showtime Chorus Members head south … to Syracuse!! It is Sweet Adelines International contest season all over the world and Lake Ontario Region 16’s turn is coming up this weekend! The ladies of Canadian Showtime Chorus are unable to contain their excitement!!
It has been quite the ride and a while since this blogger has dropped a note! It’s not because there was nothing to say – in fact there was much to report – it just felt like it was a time for in-house focus and concentration. It was time to minimize distraction – to connect with the mother ship, and one another – to take a retrospective look at where we journeyed from and set our sights on our new destination! It’s a great place and we can’t wait to get there!
The chorus is of that age where many flock to warmer climates and alas some turn bionic with new knees or other so World, be prepared to see a smaller Canadian Showtime Chorus on stage this weekend. We are a strong, well-prepared and impressive Team of 71. Great thinks come in small-er packages they say and we are bringing one sparkling package of joy to the stage this coming Saturday! Even more impressive is that 24 of those 71 are competing in quartets on Friday – that’s right. Six (6) fabulous competing quartets! In order of appearance: Muse, Outburst, Absolutely!, High Definition, KeyRings! and VQA! How blessed are we!
Our Friends and Family night a week ago and last night’s final rehearsal at home before contest showed off our skills to perfection – we couldn’t be more ready! Our last night together alone in our rehearsal hall is always special! When I say alone I mean with a few of our members who are unable to compete with us this year but still come around to rehearsal to continue their learning and to support the rest of their singing sisters on this particular leg of our journey. A few special guests – new and long time friends of the chorus - were also there adding to the feeling of home in the room!
Love! Pretty much sums up the feeling in our rehearsal hall last night as we shared in our love for music – our love for our director - our love for our competing quartets – our love for our new members whose excitement for their first contest is contagious – our love for this organization – our love for one another!
Many leave today, as 4 days of contest weekend is just not enough! The rest will follow tomorrow and Friday! Safe travels everyone – see you at the other end! The sun is coming up and it’s going to shine today – just as we will on that stage in just a few short days!
LOVE me some Canadian Showtime Chorus!!
JD Crowe