The End of the Beginning
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Canadian Showtime Chorus is two weeks back into the fold after our summer break! Tonight started like all other nights – risers up – sound system connected – physical warm-up – vocal warm-up - and a sit down???
Not our usual format!! Master Director 700, Sandie Nason, asked us to gather close and sit while she outlined the music plan from now through to April 2018. Instead of starting with next steps and outlining upcoming activities, Sandie announced that she would start at the end of the plan and talk about April 2018 first and work her way back to today!
Sandie is an engaging, captivating and passionate storyteller. She took us on a trip down memory lane tonight that had us reminiscing and re-living very special and memorable times. She talked about her first experience singing barbershop harmony both here and out West where her love for Sweet Adelines International really started. Back in late 1981, she returned to Ottawa and that is when she knew she was destined to be a chorus director and when she decided to start a Sweet Adelines chorus of her own. She and her wee daughter posted flyers throughout their neighborhood and in no time, a chorus was born. Four women – Sandie – and her mom! That’s how it all began! It was not long before this keen group of women under Sandie’s leadership would grow to be 35 – and then 67 following an incredibly innovative and successful new member recruitment drive – and then 100+ over the last couple of decades. Sandie knows this chorus! We are a part of her! Throughout this journey, she has always known what is right for the chorus – what is right for her! Be it choosing music that fits or coaches that click. She has this innate ability to know when it is the right time to introduce a new concept, a new technique, a new skill! Sometimes before we even know it ourselves, she knows what is right for us and what is not! She does not make snap decisions – everything is extremely well thought through with the good of the whole being of prime consideration.
Tonight, Sandie told us that April 2018 is when she will retire as the director of Canadian Showtime Chorus. There is no doubt in her mind that this is the right thing to do! She has an iron-clad plan developed for the next 20 months! Everything that we do together we will do with gusto. Our fall 2016 new member program will be the best and most memorable ever; every show we produce, every fundraiser we undertake, every contest performance will be the best and most memorable ever! Sandie will be ever present with her director’s hat pulled down to her ears - she will not take it off until post contest 2018. She will continue to push us to greater heights – she will encourage us and make us believe in ourselves – she will continue to impart her knowledge, her passion and her creativity. She will continue to make us laugh – she will no doubt make us cry! She will be ALL IN!!
It is hard to imagine this chorus without Sandie. She is the heart – she is the soul! I for one trust her gut. If she says it’s time – it’s time! Members will process this news and will come to terms with it individually and in their own way. We trust Sandie! She will always be there for us – she will not allow us to fall. 20 months from now will mark the end of the beginning of Sandie’s and Canadian Showtime’s story. It is not the end of anything – it is but another new beginning!
When Sandie was 3 years old, she sang Away in the Manger in the Christmas Pageant at her family’s church. The pastor told her father that he had just heard an angel from heaven sing! Canadian Showtime Chorus has had the privilege of hearing this angel’s voice for 36 years. It is one thing to be a great teacher but to be able to demonstrate as Sandie can is a blessing! We will miss her terribly but we are not going to think about that just yet! We have many more extraordinary memories to make - several more goals to achieve! The best is yet to come!!
To our amazing, dedicated, talented, passionate and generous chorus director Sandie Nason, WE LOVE YOU! Xoxo
JD Crowe CSC Blogger