Canadian Showtime Chorus joins Hair Donation Ottawa for their 7th Annual Charity Event!
Canadian Showtime Chorus joins Hair Donation Ottawa for their 7th Annual Charity Event!
Date and Location: April 30- Algonquin College (see http://
OTTAWA ON: Hair Donation Ottawa (HDO) is a fundraising organization that supports cancer research in the community. Together with volunteers and supporters, HDO has raised over $370,000 since 2011 AND has donated over 25,000 inches (635 metres!!) of hair.
Canadian Showtime Chorus, Ottawa’s very own Internationally-ranked a capella chorus, is very proud to support and partner with HDO for this year’s annual event at Algonquin College on April 30th.
Through a variety of fundraising initiatives, or as we called them “hair raising experiences” over the past 4 months, we are very proud to have raised, through both online and other donations, over $3,000, for this worthwhile cause in our very own hometown of Ottawa, our great Nation’s Capital.
Join us this Sunday, April 30 at Algonquin College Salon & Spa as we serenade head shaves and hair donations. The event will run throughout the day, and Canadian Showtime Chorus will be performing at 1 p.m. KeyRings, a quartet of Canadian Showtime Chorus, will also be performing in the morning, starting at10 a.m.