Vegas in 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 weeks!! (12-Sep-2017)
Vegas in 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 weeks!!
When standing in front of the chorus last night - getting ready to start physical warm-up to Elvis Presley’s Viva Las Vegas – it dawned on me! Our time is almost up - our work here is almost done!!
Only five (5) weeks to the chorus semi finals on the international stage in Las Vegas NV!!! More specifically, two (2) at home regular rehearsal nights; two (2) coaching nights with the one and only Erin Howden, one (1) final coaching and bonding day with our incomparable master director 700 Sandie Nason followed by a friends and family send-off performance and that is that!! We find ourselves in Vegas!!
The excitement is building! We’ve added so many tools to our music kit since our last trip to the international stage! Our wall of sound is sturdy, solid and unwavering. We’ve finessed our skills – we’re selling our story – we’re inviting you into our world, our passion!!
It also dawned on me that this is the last international prep season with our founding chorus director Sandie Nason! Under her tutelage Canadian Showtime Chorus has gone from a handful of enthusiastic singers gathered in Sandie’s basement some 35 years ago to an accomplished chorus consistently ranking in the top 23 at the international level since 2002. In fact, this will be our 7th time on the international stage! Of course personal commitment and dedication of the singers is a huge factor in our success but without Sandie’s vision, her pioneering spirit, her ability to hear and guide us musically – not to mention her wicked sense of humor – we would not be the Canadian Showtime Chorus we are today!!
What will we do without her when she retires in April of 2018. How can we possibly go on!!! Well, like all kids raised by dedicated, loving, caring parents, we will reach deep down into our tool kits, remember all that we have learned over the years and apply these lessons to our future in order to remain successful and true to our art form. Not to mention make our momma bear proud!! We’ve got this!! We’ve not wanted to distract from this last journey to the international stage with Sandie by shifting the focus from the music and the excitement of prepare for the big dance as coach Joe would say so we have purposely deferred search activities to after Vegas. Rest assured though that we’ve been lining things up and we’ll be hitting the ground running in October! Keep watching this spot – more on this to come! Sandie’s legacy will live on!! We will make our momma bear proud!!
Now time to take care of those little details that could get in the way of a joyous and powerful performance on the big stage. Check your make-up kit now; are your costumes in order – ya, that’s right – costumes! Who isn’t preparing for a second night!! Do your shoes need re-heeling? All undergarments in good working order? Hose – do you have the right color hose??? Easy points – easy to check off the list to avoid distraction! Keep your eyes on the prize!! The journey itself!!!
It’s a bitter sweet contest for me but I am overjoyed and honoured to be sharing it of course with my chorus sisters but mostly sharing it with my truly inspirational master director 700, my friend, Sandie Nason!!
Everyone please take a seat! We are (almost) ready for our next contestant – contestant # 4, representing Lake Ontario Region 16, under the direction of Sandie Nason, the Canadian Showtime Chorus!!!!!! Applause applause!!!!!
See you in Vegas baby!!
JD Crowe
CSC Blogger