Last Home Rehearsal Pre Vegas III – Really??? (03-Oct-2017)

What a night! In so many ways, not so very different from any other rehearsal as we followed our usual pattern of physical warm up, vocal warm up, starts and stops, intros and tags, reps with choreo, reps without. Down to the fine-tuning that will get you across the finish line! It’s all there! Nothing can stop you and only YOU can get in your way!! Time to shut the brain down, free the emotions and let your heart soar.

Sandie, our chorus director extraordinaire, offered us her hands early tonight – whereas normally her music staff would take us through vocal warmup - tonight we were all hers! She was full of life - enthusiastic - encouraging! She was hearing and seeing the US that she so believes in and reacted with excitement and joy! Her visualization exercise at the end of the night placed us IN the moment. Believe it girlfriends! We are there!!

We cried tonight! Big old ugly cries! We cried from the sorrow we feel for the fallen in Vegas who were out for nothing more than a great night of country music on the weekend to concern and love for our chorus sisters who will miss out on International this round because they personally or a loved one of theirs is battling a severe health issue. We cried too because this is our last International in the caring and loving hands of Sandie Nason! Strong emotions that when channeled will render powerful results!!

The best up-lifter – the best medicine of all – is our music! We have a unique and powerful opportunity to bring a little ray of sunshine to those who are hurting. Canadian Showtime Chorus, I believe in you – me – us!! We’ve got this, girlfriends! Let’s go out there and DO it!!!!

Safe travels Sweet Adelines friends! To all competitors, from our chorus to yours, enjoy the ride and best of luck on stage! See you in Vegas!!!!


JD Crowe

Proud (and emotional!!) CSC Blogger