CSC 2017 – A Year To Remember (17-Dec-2017)
Our home city Ottawa celebrated Canada’s 150th anniversary with style this year and kicked off the celebrations with a fine display of fireworks! Canadian Showtime Chorus entered 2017 knowing it was our last complete year with our founding director Sandie Nason and we set out to celebrate her successes!
The fireworks display in the banner photo of this blog can be likened to the brilliant and rewarding year we have had with our Founder! She brought our coaching team Joe Connelly and Erin Howden for her last round of coaching during her tenure! She brought us a new ballad to take to the regional stage in April – a June Dale gem, For All We Know! A song that we instantly connected with - one we could relate to! For all we knew, it would bring us our best result yet on the Sweet Adelines International stage in Las Vegas in October. And it did! We now rank 16th in the world! The product of 36 years of vision, teaching, caring and nurturing. A performance we will never forget!
The celebrating continues! We are polishing off old music in preparation for our grand finale show with Sandie - old and current repertoire For Sentimental Reasons. That is the name of our show at Centerpointe Theatre on February 10, 2018. All this reminiscing is calling up memories and emotions that encapsulate what this chorus under Sandie’s tutelage represents. It is going to be a great show and you absolutely do not want to miss it!!
We ended 2017 with our annual pot-luck/catered supper last week where we celebrated Christmas and Hanukah traditions. We are so lucky to be multicultural - we learn so much from one another. The room buzzed with energy and we shared loads of laughs, in particular at the creativity shown by each table using crape paper streamers and cotton balls! The conga fashion parade led us to a circle of harmony where we closed the night off with a few of our favourite songs! The pictures say it all!
We are truly entering the home stretch of our time with Sandie. We have great leadership and we have solid interim plans in place to take us through to the hiring of a new director. With 2018 on our doorstep, we resolve to continue our journey with gusto and aplomb, fuelling our passion with friendship, trust and solid skills acquired over our 36 years of existence.
Canadian Showtime Chorus would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, healthy and harmonious New Year!
JD Crowe
CSC Blogger