
You hear it often! Become a Sweet Adelines and you will never have to worry about being alone, out in the cold or in need of a place to sing – or a place to have Zoom meetings!!! 

In early June, my husband and I were making our way across Canada in our RV and had plans to stay in Edmonton for 5 days as I had Zoom IBOD meetings to attend. We booked a site at an RV park but expected we’d have to pivot to a hotel if WIFI wasn’t reliable at the park! 

I happened to mention this to a fellow Sweet Adeline during Zoom meeting and she suggested I come visit Alberta Heartland Chorus when in town!  Because of IBOD meetings I said it was unlikely but that I would try!

Who knew in March 2020 that COVID would raise havoc for months - not only weeks? Who knew that Ottawa would become a hot spot for cases and would keep us apart until year end and beyond? Who knew Zoom would become second nature and a lifeline? Let me try to paint a picture of how Canadian Showtime Chorus (CSC) has not only survived but thrived!

CSC is big on acronyms -Tuesday night rehearsals are now referred to as TNL, short for Tuesday Night Live!

Canadian Showtime Chorus: Beyond the Notes

2020 derailed in March when a global pandemic was declared in light of the Coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19. From gathering and travel restrictions to physical distancing, closures and gradual re-openings as advised by local health and government authorities, telecommuting and Zoom gatherings have become the new norm!

Canadian Showtime Chorus #flattenthecurve!!

The week of March 8, 2020 will go down in history! It is the week that Sweet Adelines International, in light of COVID-19, made the bold and courageous decision to cancel all regional competitions around the globe. A decision taken after hours of deliberation – one taken for the good of the whole – the health and safety of our membership. We appreciate their efforts and thank them for exercising their duty of care.

It’s Showtime …. Canadian Showtime Style!!

The Big Easy stole the hearts of our members this week! Fitbits clocked many a kilometer as our singers explored and discovered the charm, laissez faire attitude of the locals and the absolutely delicious cuisine and music they create! Not to mention, the beignets!!!!! It’s been hot and humid but that didn’t stop us from adventuring!

Like many choruses all over the world, last night was CSC’s last home rehearsal before traveling to New Orleans next week to represent Lake Ontario Region 16 on the Sweet Adelines International stage! Sadly, we were down a few singers due to throat/laryngitis type bugs but better this week than next, right! And better to keep those germs in quarantine! Love yas and all but ….

Friday, September 6, 2019 started as any other Friday for mighty awesome chorus director Joe Connelly and the women of Canadian Showtime Chorus (CSC)! Some got up and got ready to go to work; others got ready to take on the challenges of the day; most likely started it all with a cup of coffee or tea! All however shared the same excitement – this was to be a coaching weekend with the fabulous, the one and only, Erin Howden!
